Tom Hirst
Tom Hirst grew up in Northern Virginia campaigning with his parents for equal representation, civil rights, public education, transportation, and other Progressive causes. His father, Omer L. Hirst, served in the General Assembly for 22 years.
Mr. Hirst earned degrees from Princeton and Harvard while working summers in the family real estate business. He started the Mason Hirst Company in 1972 to develop office buildings and business parks. In 2007, he established the Mason Hirst Foundation which he, his wife Magaly, and his children continue to run.
Mr. Hirst strongly believes this is a dangerous time for America’s democracy and is deeply concerned about the aggressive use of One-Party rule and the integrity of America’s democratic foundations. Through political activism, Mr. Hirst hopes to help elect candidates committed to moderation, civility, and fact-based policy and restore balance on Federal and State levels.