Magaly Hirst
Magaly Hirst joined WinVirginia in 2017 to vigorously pursue a balanced representation in the Virginia legislature. She believes representation that mirrors society’s values and aspirations lead to moderate policies most likely to bring prosperity and equality to all Virginians.
Mrs. Hirst’s 30-year career with the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) took her to every country in the Americas as well as European cities where PAHO/WHO pursues its mission of a healthier future for all people. This enriching experience strengthened her commitment to efforts that create opportunities for everyone, irrespective of economic or social status.
Mrs. Hirst is also passionate about improving the lives of the most vulnerable members of her own community, the City of Alexandria. Through the Mason Hirst Foundation, Mrs. Hirst supports projects that address mental health, early childhood education, homelessness, rehabilitation, child abuse and juvenile delinquency, family health, and other social ills that hold people back from achieving their potential.